Naučni i stručni članci objavljeni u Current Conntens indeksiranim časopisima:
1. Marjanovic D., Kapur L., Drobnic K., Budowle B., Hadziselimovic R. (2004): Comparative Study of Genetic variation at fifteen STR loci in three isolated populations of Bosnian mountain area. Human Biology 76: 1: 15-31.
2. Marjanovic D., Bakal N., Pojskic N., Kapur L., Drobnic K., Primorac D., Bajrovic K. HadziselimovicR. (2005): Population data for the twelve Y-chromosome short tandem repeat loci from the sample of multinational population in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Forensic Science 50: 1: 223-225.
3. Marjanovic D., Fomarino S., Montagna S., Primorac D., Hadziselimovic R., Vidovic S., Pojskic N., Battaglia V., Achilli A., Katja D, Andjelinovic S, Torroni A., Santachiara-Benerecetti S., Semino O. (2005): The peopling of modern Bosnia-Herzegovina: Y-chromosome haplogroups in the three main ethnic groups. Annals of Human Genetics 69: 6: 757-763.
4. Drobnic K., Pojskic N., Bakal N., Marjanovic D. (2005): Allele frequencies for 15 short tandem repeat loci in Slovenian population. Journal of Forensic Science 50: 6: 1505-1507.
5. Marjanovic D., Bakal N., Pojskic N., Kapur L., Drobnic K., Primorac D., Bajrovic K., Hadziselmovic R.(2006): Allele Frequencies for 15 Short Tandem Repeat Loci in a Representative Sample of Bosnians and Herzegovinians. Forensic Science International 156: 1: 79-81
6. Marjanovic D., Pojskic N., Davoren J., Kovacevic L., Durmic A., Bakal N., Drobnic K., Primorac D., Skaro V., Bajrovic K., Hadziselimovic R. (2006): Population data at two STR loci D2S1338 and D19S433 in the sample of multinational Bosnia and Herzegovina residents. Journal of Forensic Science 51: 5: 1219-1220.
7. Marjanovic D., Durmic-Pasic A., Bakal N., Haveric S., Kalamujic B., Kovacevic L., Ramic J., PojskicN., Skaro V., Projic P., Bajrovic K., Hadziselimovic R., Drobnic K., Huffine E., Davoren J, Primorac D. (2007): DNA Identification of Skeletal Remains from the Second World War Mass Graves Uncovered in Slovenia. Croatian Medical Journal 48: 4: 513-519.
8. Projic P., Skaro V., Samija I., Pojskic N., Durmic-Pasic A., Kovacevic L., Bakal N., Primorac D., Marjanovic D. (2007): Allele Frequencies for 15 Short Tandem Repeat Loci in Representative Sample of Croatian Population. Croatian Medical Journal 48: 4: 473-475.
9. Marjanovic D, Pojskic N, Kapur L, Haveric S, Durmic-Pasic A, Bajrvic K, Hadziselimovic R. (2008): Overview of Human Population-Genetic Studies in Bosnia and Herzegovina During the Last Three Centuries: History And Prospective. Collegium Anthropologicum 32: 3: 315-321.
10. Wagner J, Dzijan S, Marjanovic D, Lauc G (2008): Non-invasive Prenatal Paternity Testing froMaternal Blood. Internal Journal of legal Medicine 123: 75-79.
11. Battaglia V, Fornarino S, Al-Zahery N, Olivieri A, Pala M, Myres N, King RJ, Rootsi S, Marjanovic D, Primorac D, Hadziselimovic R, Vidovic S, Drobnic K, Durmishi N, Torroni A, Santachiara-Benerecetti AS, Underhill PA and Semino O. (2008): Y-chromosomal evidence of the cultural diffusion of agriculture in southeast Europe. European Journal of Human Genetics 17: 6: 820-30.
12. Marjanovic D., Durmic-Pasic A., Kovacevic L., Avdic J., Dzehverovic M., Haveric S., Ramic J., Kalamujic B., Lukic Bilela L., Skaro V., Projic P., Bajrovic K., Drobnic K., Davoren J, Primorac D. (2009): DNA Identification of Skeletal Remains of Communist Armed Forces Victims During and After World War II: Combined Y-Chromosome Short Tandem Repeat (STR) and MiniSTR Approach..Croatian Medical Journal 50: 3: 296-304.
13. Novokmet N., Marjanović D., Škaro V., Projić P., Lauc G., Grahovac B., Mohar B., Kapović M., Rudan, P. (2009): Forensic efficiency parameters for the 15 STR loci in the population of the Island of Cres (Croatia). Collegium Antropologicum 33:4:1319–1322.
14. Ćenanović M., Pojskić N., Kovačević L., Džehverović M., Hindija J., Musemić Dž., Marjanović D.(2010): Diversity of Y- Short Tandem Repeats in the Representative Sample of the Population of Canton Sarajevo Residents, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Collegium Antropologicum 34:2: 545 – 550.
15. Primorac D., Marjanović D., Rudan P., Villems R., Underhill PA. (2011): Croatian Genetic Heritage: Y-Chromosome Story. Croatian Medical Journal 52: 3: 225-234.
16. Marjanović D., Konjhodžić R., Butorac SS., Drobnič k., Merkaš S., Lauc G., Primorac D., Anđelinović Š., Milosavljević M., Karan Ž., Vidović S., Stojković O., Panić B., Vučetić-Dragović A., Kovačević S., Jakovski Z., Asplen C., Primorac D. (2011): Forensic DNA Databases in Western Balkan Region: Retrospectives, Perspectives and Initiatives. Croatian Medical Journal 52: 3: 235-244.
17. Novokmet N., Marjanović D., Škaro V., Projić P., Lauc G., Grahovac B., Ostojić S., Kapović M., Rudan P. (2011): Genetic polymorphisms of 15 STR loci in the population of the island of Cres (Croatia). Annals of Human Biology. 38: 1: 12-21.
18. Musanovic J., Filipovska-Musanovic M., Kovacevic L., Buljugic Dz., Dzeverovic M., Avdic J., Marjanovic D. (2012): Determination of combined sibship indices ‘‘gray zone’’ using 15 STR loci for central Bosnian human population. Mol Biol Rep: 39:5:5195-5200.
19. Kovačević L., Fatur-Cerić V., Hadžić N., Čakar J., Primorac D., Marjanović D. (2013): Haplotype Data for 23 Y-Chromosome Markers in a Reference Sample from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatian Medical Journal 54: 3: 286-290.
20. Dogan S, Kovacevic L., Marjanovic D. (2013): Genetic Polymorphisms of 15 STR Loci within Turkish Student Population Living in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Coll. Antropol. 37: 4: 1313–1319.
21. Behar DM., Metspalu M., Baran Y., Kopelman NM., Yunusbayev B., Gladstein A., Tzur S., SahakyanH., Bahmanimehr A., Yepiskoposyan L., Tambets K., Khusnutdinova EK., Kusniarevich A., Balanovsky O., Balanovsky E., Kovacevic L., Marjanovic D., Mihailov E., Kouvatsi A., Traintaphyllidis C., King RJ., Semino O., Torroni A., Hammer MF., Metspalu E., Skorecki K., Rosset S., Halperin E., Villems R., Rosenberg NA. (2014) No Evidence from Genome-Wide Data of a KhazarOrigin for the Ashkenazi Jews” Human Biology Open Access Pre-Prints. Paper 41. (in press).
22. Sarac J., Saric T., Havas Augustin D., Jeran N., Kovacevic L., Cvjetan S., Perinic Lewis A., MetspaluE., Reidla M., Novokmet N., Vidovic M., Nevajda B., Glasnovic A., Marjanovic D., Missoni S., Villems R., Rudan P. (2014): Maternal genetic heritage of Southeastern Europe reveals a new Croatian isolate and a novel, local subbranching in X2 haplogroup. Ann Hum Genet. 78: 3:178-194
23. Ballantyne KN., Ralf A., Aboukhalid R., Achakzai NM., Anjos MJ., Ayub Q., Balažic J., Ballantyne J., Ballard DJ., Berger B., Bobillo C., Bouabdellah M., Burri H., Capal T., Caratti S., Cárdenas J., CartaultF., Carvalho EF., Carvalho M., Cheng B., Coble MD., Comas D., Corach D., D’Amato ME., Davison S., de Knijff P., De Ungria MCA., Decorte R., Dobosz T., Dupuy BM., Elmrghni S., Gliwiński M., Gomes SC., Grol L., Haas C., Hanson E., Henke J., Henke L., Herrera-Rodríguez F., Hill CR., Holmlund G., Honda K., Immel U., Inokuchi S., Jobling MA., Kaddura M., Kim JS., Kim SH., Kim W., King TE., Klausriegler E., Kling D., Kovačević L., Kovatsi L., Krajewski P., Kravchenko S., Larmuseau MHD., Lee EY., Lessig R., Livshits LA., Marjanović D., Minarik M., Mizuno N., Moreira H., Morling N., Mukherjee M., Munier P., Nagaraju J., Neuhuber F., Nie S., Nilasitsataporn P., Nishi T., Oh HH., Olofsson J., Onofri V., Palo JU., Pamjav H., Parson W., Petlach M., Phillips C., Ploski R., Prasad SPR., Primorac D., Purnomo GA., Purps J., Rangel-Villalobos H., Rębała K., Rerkamnuaychoke B., Rey Gonzalez D., Robino C., Roewer L., Rosa A., Sajantila A., Sala A., Salvador JM, Sanz P., Schmitt C., Sharma AK., Silva DA, Shin KJ., Sijen T., Sirker M., Siváková D., Škaro V., Solano-Matamoros C., Souto L., Stenzl V., Sudoyo H., Syndercombe-Court D., TagliabracciA., Taylor D., Tillmar A, Tsybovsky IS., Tyler-Smith C., van der Gaag KJ., Vanek D., Völgyi A., Ward D., Willemse PP., Yap EPH., Yong RYY., Zupanič Pajnič I., Kayser M. (2014): Toward Male Individualization with Rapidly Mutating Y-Chromosomal Short Tandem Repeats. Human Mutation 35 8: 1021-1032.
24. Kovacevic L., Tambets K., Ilumae AM., Kushniarevich A., Yunusbayev B., Solnik A., Bego T., Primorac D., Skaro V., Leskovac A., Jakovski Z., Drobnic K., Tolk HV., Kovacevic S., Rudan P., Metspalu E., Marjanovic D. (2014): Standing at the Gateway to Europe – The Genetic Structure of Western Balkan Populations Based on Autosomal and Haploid Markers. PLoS ONE 9(8): e105090. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0105090
25. Dogan S., Primorac D., Marjanović D. (2014): Genetic analysis of haplotype data for 23 Y-chromosome short tandem repeat loci in the Turkish population recently settled in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatian Medical Journal 55; 5: 530-536.
26. Novokmet N., Galov A. Marjanović D., Škaro, V., Projić P., Lauc G., Primorac D., Rudan P. (2015): Genetic structure and admixture between Bayash Roma from northwestern Croatia and general Croatian population: evidence from Bayesian clustering analysis// Anthropologischer Anzeiger 72;3: 321-324.
27. Karmin M., Saag L., Vicente M., Wilson Sayres MA., Järve M., Talas UG., Rootsi S., Ilumäe A., MägiR., Mitt M., Luca Pagani L., Puurand T., Faltyskova Z., Clemente F., Cardona A., Metspalu E., Sahakyan H., Yunusbayev B., Hudjashov G., DeGiorgio M., Loogväli E., Eichstaedt C., Eelmets M., Chaubey G., Tambets K., Litvinov S., Mormina M., Xue Y., Ayub Q., Zoraqi G., Korneliussen TS., Akhatova F., Lachance J., Tishkoff S., Momynaliev K., Ricaut FX. , Kusuma P., Razafindrazaka H., Pierron D., Cox MP., Sultana GNN., Willerslev R., Muller C., Westaway M., Lambert D., Skaro V., Kovačević L., Turdikulova S., Dalimova D., Khusainova R., Trofimova N., Akhmetova V., Khidiyatova I., Lichman DV., Isakova J., Pocheshkhova E., Sabitov Z., Barashkov NA., Nymadawa P., Mihailov E., Seng JWT., Evseeva I., Migliano AB., Abdullah S., Andriadze G., Primorac D., Atramentova L., Utevska O., Yepiskoposyan L., Marjanović D., Kushniarevich A., Behar DM., Gilissen C., Vissers L., Veltman JA., Balanovska E., Derenko M., Malyarchuk B., Metspalu A., Fedorova S., Eriksson A., Manica A., Mendez FL., Karafet TM., Veeramah KR., Bradman N., Hammer MF., Osipova LP., Balanovsky O., Khusnutdinova EK., Johnsen K., Remm M., Thomas MG., Tyler-Smith C., Underhill PA, Willerslev E., Nielsen R., Metspalu M., Villems R., Kivisild T. (2015): A recent bottleneck of Y chromosome diversity coincides with a global change in culture. Genome Research, 25(4):459-66.
28. Marjanović D., Hadžić Metjahić N., Čakar J., Džehverović M., Dogan S., Ferić E., Džijan S., ŠkaroV., Projić P., Madžar T., Rod E., Primorac D. (2015): Identification of human remains from the Second World War mass graves uncovered in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatian Medical Journal 56; 3: 257-262.
29. Kushniarevich A, Utevska O, Chuhryaeva M, Agdzhoyan A, Dibirova K, Uktveryte I, Möls M, Mulahasanovic L, Pshenichnov A, Frolova S, Shanko A, Metspalu E, Reidla M, Tambets K, Tamm E, Koshel S, Zaporozhchenko V, Atramentova L, Kučinskas V, Davydenko O, Goncharova O, Evseeva I, Churnosov M, Pocheshchova E, Yunusbayev B, Khusnutdinova E, Marjanović D, Rudan P, Rootsi S, Yankovsky4, Phillip Endicott20, Alexei Kassian21,22, Anna Dybo21, The Genographic Consortium, Tyler-Smith C, Balanovska E, Metspalu M, Kivisild T, Villems R, Balanovsky O. (2015) Genetic Heritage of the Balto-Slavic Speaking Populations: A Synthesis of Autosomal, Mitochondrial and Y-Chromosomal Data. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0135820. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0135820.
30. Pagani L., Lawson DJ., Jagoda E., Mörseburg A., Eriksson A., Mitt M., Clemente F., Hudjashov G., DeGiorgio M., Saag L., Wall JD., Cardona A., Mägi R., Wilson Sayres MA., Kaewert S., Inchley C., Scheib CL., Järve M., Karmin M., Jacobs GS., Antao T., Iliescu FM., Kushniarevich A., Ayub Q., Tyler-Smith C., Xue Y., Yunusbayev B., Tambets K., Basu Mallick C., Saag L., Pocheshkhova E., Andriadze G., Muller C., Westaway MC., Lambert DM.,Zoraqi G.,Turdikulova S.,Dalimova D.,SabitovZ.,Nahar Sultana GN.,Lachance J., Tishkoff J., Momynaliev K., Isakova J., Damba LD.,Gubina M., Nymadawa P., Evseeva I., Atramentova L., Utevska O., Ricaut FX., Brucato N., Sudoyo H., LetellierT., Cox MP., Barashkov NA., Škaro V., Mulahasanovic L., Primorac D., Sahakyan H., Mormina M., Eichstaedt CA., Lichman DV., Abdullah S., Chaubey G., Wee JTS., Mihailov E., Karunas A., LitvinovS., Khusainova R., Ekomasova N., Akhmetova V., Khidiyatova I., Marjanović D., Yepiskoposyan L., Behar DM., Balanovska E., Metspalu A., Derenko M., Malyarchuk B., Voevoda M., Fedorova SA., Osipova LP., Lahr MM., Gerbault P., Leavesley M., Migliano AB., Petraglia M., Balanovsky O., Khusnutdinova EK., Metspalu E., Thomas MG., Manica A., Nielsen R., Villems R., Willerslev E., Kivisild T., Metspalu M. (2016): Genomic analyses inform on migration events during the peopling of Eurasia. Nature. 538,238–242.
31. Babić N., Dogan S., Čakar J., Pilav A., Marjanović D., Hadžiavdić V. (2016): Molecular diversity of 23 Y-chromosome short tandem repeat loci in the population of Tuzla Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ann Hum Biol. 2016 Nov 9:1-23. [in press] DOI:10.1080/03014460.2016.1259430
32. Dogan S., Babić N., Gurkan C, Goksu A., Marjanović D., Hadžiavdić V. (2016): Y-chromosomal haplogroup distribution in the Tuzla Canton of Bosnia and Herzegovina: A concordance study using four different in silico assignment algorithms based on Y-STR data. Homo – Journal of Comparative Human Biology. 67:6:471-483
33. Dogan S., Ašić, A., Dogan G., Besic L., Marjanović D. (2017): Y chromosome haplogroups in the Bosnian-Herzegovinian population based on 23 Y-STR loci. Human Biology. 88:(3):201-209
34. Pilav A., Pojskić N., Ahatović A., Džehverović M., Čakar J., Marjanović D. (2017): Allele Frequencies of 15 STR loi in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatian Medical Journal 58; 3: 250-286.
35. Dogan S., Gurkan C., Dogan M., Balkaya HE., Tunc R., Demirdov DK., Ahmed NA, Marjanović D.(2017): A glimpse at the intricate mosaic of ethnicities from Mesopotamia: Paternal lineages of the Northern Iraqi Arabs, Kurds, Syriacs, Turkmens and Yazidis. PLoS ONE. 12: (11): e0187408.
36. Ziegler C., Wolf C., Schiele MA, Feric Bojic E., Kucukalic S., Sabic Dzananovic E., Goci Uka A.,, Hoxha B., Haxhibeqiri V., Haxhibeqiri S., Kravic N., Muminovic Umihanić M., Cima Franc A., JaksicN., Babic R., Pavlovic M, Warrings B., Bravo Mehmedbasic A., Rudan D., Aukst-Margetic B., Kucukalic A., Marjanovic D., Babic D., Bozina N., Jakovljevic M., Sinanovic O., Avdibegovic E., Agani F, Dzubur-Kulenovic A., Deckert J., Domschke K. (2017): Monoamine oxidase A gene methylation and its role in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder–First evidence from the South Eastern Europe (SEE)-PTSD study. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. pyx111.
37. Čakar J., Pilav A., Džehverović M., Ahatović A., Haverić S., Ramić J., Marjanović D. (2018): DNA Identification of Commingled Human Remains from the Cemetery Relocated by Flooding in Central Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Forensic Science 63 (1), 295-298
38. Ziegler C., Wolf C., Schiele MA, Feric Bojic E., Kucukalic S., Sabic Dzananovic E., Goci Uka A.,, Hoxha B., Haxhibeqiri V., Haxhibeqiri S., Kravic N., Muminovic Umihanić M., Cima Franc A., Jaksic N., Babic R., Pavlovic M, Warrings B., Bravo Mehmedbasic A., Rudan D., Aukst-Margetic B., Kucukalic A., Marjanovic D., Babic D., Bozina N., Jakovljevic M., Sinanovic O., Avdibegovic E., Agani F, Dzubur-Kulenovic A., Deckert J., Domschke K. (2018): Hypermethylation of the monoamine oxidase A gene–a new epigenetic marker for posttraumatic stress disorder? European Neuropsychopharmacology 28 S73-S74
39. Ašić A., Marjanović D., Mirat J., Primorac D. (2018): Pharmacogenetics of novel oral anticoagulants: a review of identified gene variants & future perspectives, Personalized medicine. 15:3:209-221
40. Kačar T, Stamenković G, Blagojević J, Krtinić J, Mijović D, Marjanović D (2019): Y chromosome genetic data defined by 23 short tandem repeats in a Serbian population on the Balkan Peninsula Annals of human biology. 46:1:77-83
41. Ašić A., Salazar R., Storm N., Doğan S., Höppner W., Marjanović D., Primorac D. (2019): Population study of thrombophilic markers and pharmacogenetic markers of warfarin prevalence in Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatian medical journal. 60:3:212–
42. Metjahić Hadžić N., Vidović M., Čakar J., Džehverović M., Pilav A., Dogan S., Marjanović D. (2019): Genetic variation study on fifteen STR loci in isolated Slovenian” Inland Island” human populations of the Selška Valley Region. Homo: internationale Zeitschrift fur die vergleichende Forschung am Menschen. 70:2:129:137.
45. Ašić A, Prguda-Mujić J, Salihefendić L, … Marjanović D. (2021): Serological testing for SARS-CoV-2 in Bosnia and Herzegovina: first report. Arch Med Sci. 17:3:823-826.
46. Ašić A, Salazar R, Storm N, Dogan S, Hoppner W, Marjanović D, Primorac D (2021): Prevalence of rare F5 variants in general population from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mol Biol Rep 48:5181–6.
47. Babić Jordamović N, Kojović T, Dogan S, Bešić L, Salihefendić L, Konjhodžić R, Škaro V, Projić P, Hadžiavdić V, Ašić A Marjanović D (2021): Haplogroup Prediction Using Y-Chromosomal Short Tandem Repeats in the General Population of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Front. Genet. 12:671467. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.671467
48. Prguda-Mujic J, Hasanic O, Besic L, Asic A, Halilovic S, Cesic AK,….. Marjanović D. (2022) Antibody seroprevalence against SARS-CoV-2 within the Canton of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina—One year later. PLoS ONE 17:3 e0265431.
49. Novokmet N, Galov A, Škaro V, Projić P, Šarac J, Havaš Auguštin D, Rudan P, Primorac D, Marjanović D. (2022): Genetic sub-structuring of Croatian island populations in the Southeastern European context: a meta-analysis. Croat Med J. 63:(3):231-243. doi: 10.3325/cmj.2022.63.231. PMID: 35722692; PMCID: PMC9284015.
50. Novokmet N, Peričić Salihović M, Škaro V, Projić P, Šarac J, Havaš Auguštin D, Rudan P, Primorac D, Marjanović D. (2022): Influence of genetic substructuring of statistical forensic parameters on genetic short tandem repeat markers in the populations of Southeastern Europe. Croat Med J. 63: (3):244-256. doi: 10.3325/cmj.2022.63.244. PMID: 35722693; PMCID: PMC9284013.
51. Primorac D, Škaro V, Projić P, Missoni S, Horjan Zanki I, Merkaš S, Šarac J, Novokmet N, Ledić A, Makar A, Lauc G, Anđelinović Š, Bašić Ž, Kružić I, Neuberg M, Smolić M, Smolić R, Hrstić I, Trivanović D, Konjhodžić R, Salihefendić L, Babić Jordamović N, Marjanović D. (2022): Croatian genetic heritage: an updated Y-chromosome story. Croat Med J. 63: (3):273-286. doi: 10.3325/cmj.2022.63.273. PMID: 35722696; PMCID: PMC9284021.
52. Petrović T, Vijay A, Vučković F, Trbojević-Akmačić I, Ollivere BJ, Marjanović D, Bego T, PrnjavoracB, Đerek L, Markotić A, Lukšić I, Jurin I, Valdes AM, Hadžibegović I, Lauc G. (2022): IgG N-glycome changes during the course of severe COVID-19: An observational study. EBioMedicine. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2022.104101. Epub 2022 Jun 27. PMID: 35773089; PMCID: PMC9234382.
53. Bego T, Meseldžić N, Prnjavorac B, Prnjavorac L, Marjanović D, Azevedo R, Pinto E, Duro M, Couto C, Almeida A. Association of trace element status in COVID-19 patients with disease severity. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2022 Aug 4;74:127055. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2022.127055. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35985069; PMCID: PMC9349050.
Naučni i stručni članci objavljeni u ostalim Web of Science indeksiranim časopisima:
1. Zukanovic A., Mulaomerovic J., Marjanovic D. (2007): Results of Paleostomatological Analysis of Material From the Cave Near Gornji Vakuf (South-West Bosnia). Acta Carsologica 36 (2): 47-54.
2. Lauc G., Dzijan S., Marjanovic D., Walsh SJ., Curran JM., Buckelton J. (2008): Empirical Support for the Reliability of DNA Interpretation in Croatia. Forensic Science International: Genetics 3: 1: 50-53.
3. Novković T., Panić B., Banjac A., Kovač Đekić T., Tomišić-Kosić I., Vučetić-Dragović A., StamenkovićG., Blagojević J., Marjanović D., Pojskić N. (2010): Genetic polymorphisms of 15 AmpFlSTRIdentifiler loci in a Serbian population Forensic Sci Int: Genetics 5: 4: e149-e150.
4. Kovačević L., Buljigić Dž., Džehverović M., Pašić-Durmić A., Marjanović D. (2010): Application of the PowerPlex®S5 MINISTR System in Forensic DNA Analysis of Human Telogenic Hair Shafts. Healthmed 4:1: 143-151.
5. Spichenok O., Budimlija ZM., Michell AA., Jenny A., Kovacevic L., Marjanovic D., Caragine T, Prinz M., Wurmbach E. (2011): Prediction of Eye and Skin Color in Diverse Populations using seven SNPs. Forensic Sci. Int. Genet. 5: 5: 472-478.
6. Diegoli T.M., Kovacevic L., Pojskic N., Coble M., Marjanovic D. (2011): Population study of fourteen X chromosomal short tandem repeat loci in a population from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Forensic Sci. Int. Genet. 5: 4: 350-351.
7. Jakovski Z., Nikolova K., Jankova-Ajanovska R., Marjanović D., Pojskić N., Janeska B. (2011): Genetic data for 17 Y-chromosomal STR loci in Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia. Forensic Sci. Int. Genet. 5: 4: e108-e111.
8. Jakovski Z., Nikolova K., Jankova-Ajanovska R., Janeska B., Pojskić N., Marjanović D. (2012): Allele frequencies of the new European Standard Set (ESS) loci plus SE33 locus in a population from the Republic of Macedonia. Forensic Sci Int: Genetics 6: e90–e92.
9. Hadziavdic V, Marjanovic D., Pojskic N, Hadziselimovic R., Bajrovic K., Dolicanin Z., Eminovic I. (2012): Diversity of Nuclear Short Tandem Repeat Loci in Representative Sample of North-Eastern Bosnian and Herzegovina Population. Genetika, 44 (3): 521-536.
10. Causevic-Ramosevic A., Kovacevic L., Buljugic D., Dzehverovic M., Cakar J., Marjanovic D. (2012) Comparative Analysis of Three Different STR Multiplex System Approaches In Fingerprint DNA Analysis. HelthMED, 6 (10): 3534-3539.
11. Jakovski Z., Jankova R., Duma A., Janeska B., Pavlovski G., Marjanovic D. (2013): Forensic Approach to Analyzing Rape Case. Forensic Science International: Genetics (Supplements Series 4) e45-e46.
12. Kapur-Pojskić L., Pojskić N., Radosavljević G., Marjanović D., Hadžiselimović R. (2014): MtDNAVariation Within Local Human Populations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Genetika, 46 (1): 209-218.
13. Dogan S., Ašić A., Muhović I., Bešić L., Marjanović D. (2014): Overview of the Genetic STR Clustering among Worldwide Human Populations. Int J Hum Genet 14: (3,4): 131-142.
14. J. Purps, S. Siegert, S. Willuweit, M. Nagy, C. Alves, R. Salazar, S.M.T. Angustia, L.H. Santos, K. Anslinger, B. Bayer, Q. Ayub, W. Wei, Y. Xue, C. Tyler-Smith, M.B. Bafalluy, B. Mart´inez-Jarreta, B. Egyed, B. Balitzki, S.Tschumi, D. Ballard, D.S. Court, X. Barrantes, G. B¨assler, T. Wiest, B. Berger, H. Niederst¨atter, W. Parson, C. Davis, B. Budowle, H. Burri, U. Borer, C. Koller, E.F. Carvalho, P.M. Domingues, W.T. Chamoun, M.D. Coble, C.R. Hill, D. Corach, M. Caputo, M.E. D’Amato, S. Davison, R. Decorte, M.H.D. Larmuseau, C. Ottoni, O. Rickards, D. Lu, C. Jiang, T. Dobosz, A. Jonkisz, W.E. Frank, I. Furac, C. Gehrig, V. Castella, B. Grskovic, C. Haas, J. Wobst, G. Hadzic, K. Drobnic, K. Honda, Y. Hou, D. Zhou, Y. Li, S. Hu, S. Chen, U.-D. Immel, R. Lessig, Z. Jakovski, T. Ilievska, A.E. Klann, C.C. Garc´ia, P. de Knijff, T. Kraaijenbrink, A. Kondili, P. Miniati, M. Vouropoulou, L. Kovacevic, D. Marjanović, I. Lindner, I. Mansour, M. Al-Azem, A.E. Andari, M. Marino, S. Furfuro, L. Locarno, P. Mart´in, G.M. Luque, A. Alonso, L.S. Miranda, H. Moreira, N. Mizuno, Y. Iwashima, R.S.M. Neto, T.L.S. Nogueira, R. Silva, M. Nastainczyk-Wulf, J. Edelmann, M. Kohl, S. Nie, X. Wang, B. Cheng, C. N´u˜nez, M.M. Pancorbo, J.K. Olofsson, N. Morling, V. Onofri, A. Tagliabracchi, H. Pamjav, A. Volgyi, G. Barany, R. Pawlowski, A. Maciejewska, S. Pelotti, W. Pepinski, M. Abreu- Glowacka, C. Phillips, J.C´ardenas, D. Rey-Gonzalez, A. Salas, F. Brisighelli, C. Capelli, U. Toscanini, A. Piccinini, M. Piglionica, S.L. Baldassarra, R. Ploski, M. Konarzewska, E. Jastrzebska, C. Robino, A. Sajantila, J.U. Palo, E. Guevara, J. Salvador, M.C.D. Ungria, J.J.R. Rodriguez, U. Schmidt, N. Schlauderer, P. Saukko, P.M. Schneider, M. Sirker, K.-J. Shin, Y.N. Oh, I. Skitsa, A. Ampati, T.-G. Smith, L.S. Calvit, V. Stenzl, T. Capal, A. Tillmar, H. Nilsson, S. Turrina, D. De Leo, A. Verzeletti, V. Cortellini, J.H. Wetton, G.M. Gwynne, M.A. Jobling, M.R. Whittle, D.R. Sumita, P. Wola´nskaNowak, R.Y.Y. Yong, M. Krawczak, M. Nothnagel, L. Roewer. (2014): A global analysis of Y-chromosomal haplotype diversity for 23 STR loci, Forensic Science International: Genetics , In press.
15. Dogan S, Ašić A, Buljubašić S, Bešić L, Avdić M, Ferić E, Hukić M, Turan Y Marjanović D (2015): Overview of European population clustering based on 23 y-str loci. Genetika, 47(3):901-908.
16. Jakovski Z, Jankova Ajanovska R, Stankov A, Pavlovski G , Poposka V, Marjanović D. Comparative study of two dna extraction methods in different tissues and conditions of degradation. Forensic Sci. Int. Gene. Suppl. (2015),
17. Mrehić E., Marjanović D., Hadžiselimović R., Ferić E. (2016): An examination of growth acceleration trends within a male population in Bosnia and Herzegovina between the 19th and 21st centuries. Anthropological notebooks. 22:2:107-115.
18. Dzubur-Kulenovic A., Agani F., Avdibegovic E., Jakovljevic M., Babic D., Kucukalic A., Kucukalic S., Sabic Dzananovic E., Bravo Mehmedbasic A., Goci Uka A., Haxhibeqiri S., Haxhibeqiri V, Hoxha B., Sinanovic O, Kravic N., Muminovic M., Aukst-Margetic B., Jaksic N., Cima Franc A., Rudan D., Pavlovic M., Babic R., Feric Bojic E., Marjanovic D., Bozina N., Ziegler C.,, Wolf C., Warrings B., Domschke K., Deckert J. (2016): Molecular Mechanisms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a Basis for Individualized and Personalized Therapy: Rationale, Design and Methods of The South Eastern Europe (See)-Ptsd Study.Psychiatria Danubina 28:2:154-163.
19. Dogan S., Cilic A., Marjanovic D., Kutrovic-Kozaric A. (2017): Detection of cytosine and CpG density in proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in promoter sequences of acute myeloid leukemia. Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids. 36: 4: 302-316.
20. Asic A, Kurtovic-Kozaric A, Besic L, Mehinovic L, Hasic A, Kozaric M, Hukic M, Marjanovic D.(2017): Chemical toxicity and radioactivity of depleted uranium: The evidence from in vivo and in vitro studies. Environ Res. 2017 May 1;156:665-673. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.04.032.
21. Konakli H., Konakli Z., Dogan S., Marjanović D., Dogan S. (2017): ACTN3 polymorphism prevalence in general population of six Balkan countries. Genetika. 49:3:959-968.
22. Haxhibeqiri V., Haxhibeqiri S., Topciu-Shufta V., Agani F, Uka Goci A., Hoxha B,Kulenovic Dzubur A., Jakovljević M, Avdibegović E, Kravić N, Umihanić Muminović M., Sinanović O., Džananović Šabić E., Kučukalić A., Kučukalić S., Mehmedbašić Bravo A, Margetić Aukst B., Jakšić N., Franc Cima A., Rudan D. ,Pavlović M, Babić R., Bojić Ferić E., Marjanović D., Božina N., Ziegler C., Wolf C., Warrings B., Domschke K., Deckert J., Babi D. (2019): The Association of Catechol-O-Methyl-Transferase and Interleukin 6 Gene Polymorphisms with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Psychiatria Danubina. 31:2: 241-8.
23. Hoxha B., Goçi AU., Agani F., Haxhibeqiri S., Haxhibeqiri V., Sabic ED., … Marjanović D., … Wolf C, Vyshka G. (2019): The Role of TaqI DRD2 (rs1800497) and DRD4 VNTR Polymorphisms in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).Psychiatria Danubina. 31:2: 263-8.
24. Bojic Ferić E., Kučukalić S., Džubur AK., Avdibegović E., Babić D., Agani F, … Marjanović D.(2019): Associations of Gene Variations in Neuropeptide Y and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Genes with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Psychiatria Danubina. 31 (2), 227-234
25. Kučukalić S., Bojić Ferić E., Babić R., Avdibegović E., Babić D., Agani F., … Marjanović D., …Kulenović Džubur A. (2019): Genetic Susceptibility to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Analyses of the Oxytocin Receptor, Retinoic Acid Receptor-Related Orphan Receptor A and Cannabinoid Receptor 1 Genes. Psychiatria Danubina. 31:2:219-26.
26. Goçi AU., Agani F., Blyta A., Hoxha B., Haxhibeqiri S., Haxhibeqiri V., … Marjanović D., …Wolf C. (2019): Role of the Allelic Variation in the 5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 1A (HTR1A) and the Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) Genes in the Development of PTSD. Psychiatria Danubina. 31:2: 256-62.
27. Muminovic MU, Babic R., Kravic N., Avdibegovic E., Kulenovic Dzubur A., Agani F., …MarjanovićD., … Sinanović O. (2019): Associations between Polymorphisms in the Solute Carrier Family 6 Member 3 and the Myelin Basic Protein Gene and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. PsychiatriaDanubina. 31:2:235-40.
28. Kravić N., Šabić ED, Muminović MU., Kulenović Džubur A, Sinanović O., … Marjanović D., …Avdibegović E. (2019): Association Analysis of Maoa and Slc6a4 Gene Variation in South EastEuropean War Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Psychiatria Danubina. 31:2: 211-8.
29. Jaksic N., Sabic Dzananovic E., Aukst Margetic B., Rudan D., Cima Franc A., … Marjanović D., …Jakovljević M. (2019): A Candidate Gene Association Study of FKBP5 and CRHR1 Polymorphisms in Relation to War-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.Psychiatria Danubina. 31:2: 269-75.
30. Weber H, Maihofer AX, Jaksic N, … Marjanović D,…Erhardt A. (2022): Association of polygenic risk scores, traumatic life events and coping strategies with war-related PTSD diagnosis and symptom severity in the South Eastern Europe (SEE)-PTSD cohort. J Neural Transm.
Naučni i stručni članci objavljeni u SCOPUS indeksiranim časopisima:
1. Marjanovic D., Skaro V., Primorac D. (2005): Capability of DNA paternity and maternity testing. Gynaecol Perinatol 14 (Suppl. 2): 17-21.
2. Marjanovic D., Kapur L., Pojskic N., Hadziselimovic R. (2005): Diversity in the studies of genetic distance among isolated human population in Bosnia. Human Evolution 20: 2-3: 157-166.
3. Marjanovic D., Bakal N., Kovacevic L., Hodzic M., Haveric A., Haveric S., Ibrulj S., Durmic A. (2006): Optimisation of forensic genetics procedures used in disputed paternity testing: Adjustment of the PCR reaction volume. Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 6: 2: 76-81.
4. Ibrulj S., Haveric A., Haveric S., Durmic-Pasic A. Marjanović D. (2006): Effect of war and postwar genotoxins on micronucleifrequency in Sarajevo study group. Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 6: 4: 54-57.
5. Lauc G, Marjanović D. (2008): Application of DNA Analysis for Identity and Paternity Determination. Farmaceutski glasnik, 64 (12), 687-689.
6. Mačkić-Đurović M., Projić P., Ibrulj S., Čakar J., Marjanović D. (2014): A comparative analysis of the eff ectiveness of cytogenetic and molecular genetic methods in the detection of Down syndrome. Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 14: 2: 94-98.
7. Mahmutbegovic E., Marjanović D., Međedović E., Mahmutbegović N., Dogan S., Valjevac A., CzerskaE., Pawinska-Matecka A., Madlani A., Grazyna A. (2017): Prevalence of 1691G>A F5, 20210G>A F2, and 677C>T MTHFR polymorphisms in Bosnian women with pregnancy loss. Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, [S.l.], may. 2017. ISSN 1840-4812. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 16 May. 2017.
8. Adler G,Mahmutbegovic E, Valjevac A, Adler MA, Mahmutbegovic N, Safranow K, Czerska E, Pawinska-Matecka E, Ciechanowicz I, Marjanovic D (2018): Association Between-675 ID, 4G/5G PAI-1 Gene Polymorphism and Pregnancy Loss: A Systematic Review. Acta Informatica Medica 26 (3), 156-159
9. Šehović E, Zieger M, Spahić L, Marjanović D, Dogan S (2018) A glance of genetic relations in the Balkan populations utilizing network analysis based on in silico assigned Y-DNA haplogroups, Anthropological Review, Vol. 81:3: 252-268.
10. Dzehverovic M, Ahatovic A, Pojskic N, Lojo-Kadric N, Pilav A, Marjanovic D, Cakar J (2018): Decrease in BMI: personal genotyping, individual diet and exercise plan, Journal of Health Sciences 7:2:91-98
11. Goletic T, Konjhodzic R, Fejzic N, Goletic S, Eterovic T, Softic A, Kustura A, Salihefendic L, OstojicM, Travar M, Mrdjen V, Tihic N, Jazic S, Musa S, Marjanovic D, Hukic M (2021). Phylogenetic pattern of SARS-CoV-2 from COVID-19 patients from Bosnia and Herzegovina: lessons learned to optimize future molecular and epidemiological approaches. Bosnian journal of basic medical sciences, 21:4:484–487.
Sažetci objavljeni u internacionalnim CC indeksiranim časopisima:
1. Marjanovic D., Fomarino S., Bakal N, Montagna S., Hadziselimovic R., Primorac D.,Vidovic S., Pojskic N., Battaglia V., Achilli A., Torroni A., Andjelinovic S, Drobnic K, Santachiara-Benerecetti S., Semino O. (2005): Y-chromosome bi-allelic and STR markers in the three main ethnic groups of modern Bosnia and Herzegovina. European Journal of Human Genetics Vol 13: Supplement 1: 339.
2. Marjanovic D., Davoren J., Durmic A., Pojskic N., Bakal N, Kovacevic L., Drobnic K., Skaro V., Bajrovic K., Primorac D., Hadziselimovic R. (2006): Population study at two additional STR loci D2S1338 and D19S433 in the representative sample of multinational Bosnia and Herzegovina residents. European Journal of Human Genetics Vol 14: Supplement 1: 341-342.
3. Skaro V., Projic P., Pojskic N., Durmic-Pasic A., Kovacevic L., Haveric S., Primorac D., Marjanovic D.(2007): Allele frequencies for the fifteen short tandem repeat loci in Croatian population. European Journal of Human Genetics Vol 15: Supplement 1: 289.
4. Marjanovic D., Durmic-Pasic A., Pjanic N., Bakal N., Kovacevic L., Skaro V., Projic P., Haveric S., Bajrovic K., Hadziselimovic R., Primorac D., Pojskic N. (2007): Population study at fifteen short tandem repeat loci in the representative sample of Bosnia and Herzegovina residents – contemporary data. European Journal of Human Genetics Vol 15: Supplement 1: 305.
5. Skaro V., Projic P., Pojskic N., Primorac D., Marjanovic D. (2008): Population study at STR loci Penta E and Penta D in Croatian population. European Journal of Human Genetics Vol 16: Supplement 2: 373.
6. Kovacevic L., Bakal N., Pojskic N., Marjanovic D. (2008): Population study at Fifteen STR loci in the Sarajevo (Bosnian Capitol) residents. European Journal of Human Genetics Vol 16: Supplement 2: 382.
7. Cenanovic M., Kovacevic L., Pojskic N., Avdic J., Marjanovic D. (2009): Diversity of Y-STRs in the Representative Samples of the Local Human Population of Canton Sarajevo. European Journal of Human Genetics Vol 17: Supplement 2: 281.
8. Marjanovic D., Kovacevic L., Pojskic N., Cakar J., Dzehverovic M., Buljugic-Musemic Dz., BajrovicK. (2010): Population study at six supplementary STR loci in the representative sample of multinational Bosnia and Herzegovina residents. European Journal of Human Genetics Vol 18: Supplement 1: 263.
9. Pojskic N., Marjanovic D., Silajdzic E., Lasic L., Kalamujic B, Kapur L. (2010): Concordance of different genetic markers in human population studies. European Journal of Human Genetics Vol 18: Supplement 1: 253.
10. Džubur Kulenović A., Ziegler C. , Jaksic N., Kravic N., … Marjanović D., ….. Wolf C. (2019): Posttraumatic stress disorder in a war-exposed sample from Balkan countries: the impact of (epi-) genetic variation on disease susceptibility and the severity of symptoms. Journal of Neural Transmission. 126:11:1523-4.
Naučni i stručni članci objavljeni u ostalim internacionalnim naučnim časopisima:
1. Marjanovic D., Milosavljevic M. (2003): Comparative value of traditional procedures and DNA analysis in resolving major crimes. Expertus Forensis 2003. (I):1:245-255.
2. Marjanovic D. Bakal N., Milosavljevic M. (2003): DNA analysis as accepted method in police and court investigation procedures and optimization of its basic parameters Expertus Forensis 2003.(I):2:31-38.
3. Marjanovic D. (2004): Applying aspects of the latest molecular genetic discovery from the field of DNA analysis to the court cases in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Science, Law and the Courts in Europe. ENLSC: 79-84.
4. Marjanovic D., Kovačevic L., Bakal N., Bajrovic K., Hadžiselimovic R. (2004): Comparative analysis of conventional and DNA disputed paternity testing. Expertus Forensis 1I (3): 475-479.
5. Marjanovic D., Bakal N., Bojanic N., Korajlic N., Hadžiselimovic R. (2004): Optimization of biological DNA evidence collecting procedure. Expertus Forensis 1I (3): 481-488.
6. Milosavljevic M., Marjanovic D., Franjic B., Bakal N., Hadžiselimovic R. (2004): Synergistic application of conventional and modern techniques in complex police investigation. Expertus Forensis1I (3): 463-474.
7. Korajlic N., Bojanic N., Marjanovic D., Muratbegovic E. (2004): Life protection of criminal procedure organ. Expertus Forensis 1I (3): 329-337.
8. Ribic A., Bakal N., Marjanovic D. (2005): Comparative analysis of three different approaches in DNA extraction from dried bloodstains. Expertus Forensis III (5): 27-33.
9. Marjanovic D., Bakal N. (2005): Use of PowerPlex®Y system in analysis of complex forensic DNA mixture – case study. Identity (Promega Newsletter for Europe, Middle East and Africa – Fall 2005): 2-3.
10. Marjanovic D., Bakal N., Drobnic K., Hadziselimovic R. (2006): Use of PowerPlex® 16 and PowerPlex® Y Systems to Analyze a Complex Forensic DNA Mixture from an Incestuous Rape Case. Profiles in DNA 9: 1: 14-15.
11. Marjanovic D., Pojskic N., Bakal N., Drobnic K., Primorac D., Bajrovic K., Hadziselimovic R. (2006): Preliminary population study at fifteen autosomal and twelve Y-chromosome short tandem repeat loci in the representative sample of multinational Bosnia and Herzegovina residents. Progress in Forensic Genetics 11: 243-245.
12. Marjanovic D., Pojskic N., Kalamujic B., Bakal N., Haveric S., Haveric A., Durmic A., Kovacevic L., Drobnic K., Hadziselimovic R., Primorac D. (2006): Most recent investigation of peopling of Bosnia and Herzegovina: DNA approach. Documenta Praehistorica XXXIII: 21-28.
13. Kovacevic L., Pjanic N., Bakal N., Durmic A., Pojskic N., Marjanovic D. (2007): Allele Frequencies for 15 Short Tandem Repeat Loci in a Sample of Bosnia and Herzegovina Inhabitants – Contemporary Data. Identity (Promega Newsletter for Europe, Middle East and Africa – Summer 2007): 1-2.
14. Glamocija U., Haveric S., Cakar J., Rahmanovic A., Marjanovic D. (2010): In vitro Propagation of Lilium martagon var. cattaniae Vis. And Evaluation of Genotoxic Potential of its Leaves and Bulb Extracts. Acta Biologica Slovenica 53 (2): 53-60.
15. Čoklo M., Havaš Auguštin D., Šarac J., Novokmet N., Khusnutdinova E., Litvinov S., Haydar S., Lautier C., Normand C. Attaoua R., Vintila M., Bosch-Comas A., Suarez H., Jares P., Gomis R., Missoni S., Marjanović D., Grigorescu F. (2016): Diversity of Y-chromosomal and mtDNA iversity of Y-chromosomal and mtDNA markers included in Mediscope Chip within arkers included in MediscopeChip within two Albanian subpopulations from Croatia wo Albanian subpopulations from Croatia and Kosovo: Preliminary data nd Kosovo: Preliminary data. Collegium Anthropologicum 40:3:195-198.
16. Dogan S., Nalcaci N., Dogan S., Badnjevic A., Kurtovic A., Marjanovic D. (2017): Changes in Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Measurement Undergraduate Students During Exam Period. Journal of Biometrics & Biostatistics 8: 2:347-352
17. Baručija-Özçoban I, Ašić A, Bešić L, Halilović S, Marjanović D, Dogan S (2018): A Decade of the Common FTO rs9939609 Polymorphism: A Systematic Review, Collegium antropologicum. 42:2:147-158.
Naučni i stručni članci objavljeni u ostalim naučnim bh. časopisima:
1. Marjanovic D., Međedovic S., Čauševic A. (2000): Mikropropagacije u kulturi in vitro divlje trešnje(Prunus avium L.). Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo 2000: 1: 35-42.
2. Marjanovic D. (2004): DNA profile – basic identity card. Criminal-Justice Theme 1-2: 129-144.
3. Marjanovic D., Bakal N., Bojanic N., Korajlic N., Hadžiselimovic R. (2004): Establishing of BH national DNA database as preventive measure. Criminal-Justice Theme 3-4: 183-190.
4. Omerspahić A., Marjanović D (2011): Preliminary Analysis of the Potential Impact of Hereditary Factors on Criminal Behavior in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Criminal-Justice Theme 3-4: 85-98.
5. Fazlić A., Marjanović D. (2012): DNA Analysis in Criminal Justice System of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Advantage and Deficiencies. Criminal-Justice Theme 3-4: 143-163.
6. Beribaka M, Hafizović S., Pilav A., Džehverović M., Marjanović D., Čakar J. (2017): Comparison of Two Different Mutiplex STR Systems in Cačcučating Kinship Among Close Relatives. Genetic & Application 1:1:51-58.
7. Šehović E., Ašić A., Dogan M., Tunc R., Marjanović D., Dogan S. (2017): Network Analysis on the In Silico Assigned Y Chromosome Haplogroups in Western Balkan Populations. Genetic & Application 1:2:36-43.
8. Husukić T, Pilav A., Čakar J., Džehverović M., Dogan S., Marjanović D. (2017): Comparative Analysis of the Efficiency of PowerPlex 16 and PowerPlex Fusion Multiplex STR Kits in the Analysisis of the Challenging forensic Samples. Genetic & Application 1:2:50-55.
9. Pirić A, Ćordić S, Smajlović-Skenderagić L, Dogan S, Marjanović D. (2020): Overview of Human Lineage Genetic Marker Studies in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Y chromosome story Journal of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 3, (2020) DOI number: 10.14706/JONSAE2019114.
10. Marjanović D, Primorac D, Matišić V, Perić V, Molnar V, Zadro, R (2020). Laboratory testing and screening for SARS-CoV-2: A review of current methods. Genetics & Applications, 4:2:1-9. doi:10.31383/ga.vol4iss2pp1-9.
11. Babić Jordamović N, Kojović T, Dogan S, Bešić L, Salihefendić L, Konjhodžić R, Ćordić S, Škaro V, Projić P, Hadžiavdić V, Ašić A,Marjanović D. (2021): Contemporary population genetics data for 23 Y-STR loci in the general Bosnian-Herzegovinian population. Genetics & Applications, 5:1:51-63. doi:10.31383/ga.vol5iss1pp51-63
Saopštenja i sažetci sa kongresa:
1. Marjanovic D., Čauševic A., Medjedovic S., Hadžiselimovic R. (2000): Regeneration and somatic embryogenesis of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.).Proceedings of the 2nd Balkan Botanical Congress edited by Nermin Gozukirmizu, Istanbul University 329-334.
2. Marjanovic D., Kapur L., Pojskic N., Hadziselimovic R. (2003): DNA diversity in the studies of genetic distance among isolated human populations in Bosnia. XV International Congress Anthropology & Ethnical Science. Florence, Italy; Abstracts.
3. Marjanovic D., Pojskic N., Kapur L., Drobnic K., Hadžiselimovic R. (2003): Comparative genetic population analysis at seven STR loci in isolated populations of Bosnian mountain area and Adriatic islands of Brac, Hvar and Korcula. The third European-American school in forensic genetics and Mayo Clinic course in advanced molecular and cellular medicine. Zagreb, Croatia; Abstracts: 102.
4. Marjanovic D., Pojskic N., Haveric S., Smajic D., Jukic Lj., Davoren J., Huffine E. (2003): Comparative analysis of two different approaches for bone powdering – optimization of most sensitive stage of DNA identification of skeletal human remains. The third European-American school in forensic genetics and Mayo Clinic course in advanced molecular and cellular medicine. Zagreb, Croatia; Abstracts: 50.
5. Kapur L., Pojskic N., Marjanovic D., Durmic A., Bajrovic K., Hadziselimovic R. (2003): MtDNAdiversity in local human populations after war resettlement. 2nd DNA Polymorphisms Symposium in Human Populations, Paris, France; Abstracts.
6. Kapur L., Marjanovic D., Pojskic N., Durmic A., Hadziselimovic R., Bajrovic K. (2003): Genetic study of nuclear and mitochondrial polymorphisms in isolated human populations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. UNESCO Conference – Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights: Present Status – Future Perspective, Zagreb, Croatia; Abstracts.
7. Marjanovic D., Kapur L., Pojskic N., Bakal N., Hadžiselimovic R. (2004): Application of molecular markers in population-genetic studies of isolated human populations. The Second International Symposium of Anthropologist in Republic of Srpska. Jahorina, B&H; Abstracts 26
8. Pojskic N., Kapur L., Marjanovic D., Hadžiselimovic R. (2004): Recent human population-genetic studies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Second International Symposium of Anthropologist in Republic of Srpska. Jahorina, B&H; Abstracts 26.
9. Marjanovic D., Bakal N., Bojanic N., Korajlic N., Hadziselimovic R. (2004): Establishing of National DNA Database as Preventive Measure. 4th Days of Criminal Justice Studies. Sarajevo, BiH. Abstracts: 12.
10. Marjanovic D., Fomarino S., Montagna S., Hadziselimovic R., Vidovic S., Pojskic N., Battaglia V., Achilli A., Torroni A., Primorac D., Santachiara-Benerecetti S., Semino O. (2004): The distribution of Y-chromosome haplogroups in the three main ethnic groups of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 6st Balkan Meeting on Human Genetics, Thessaloniki, Greece; Abstracts: 37.
11. Pojskic N., Kapur L., Marjanovic D., Bakal N., Hadžiselimovic R. (2004): Retrospective of human population genetics studies in B&H. International Conference: Genetics in Psychiatry, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Abstracts.
12. Marjanovic D. (2004): Optimization of basic condition for the function of DNA identification laboratory. Proceedings of the 2nd international regional conference about missing persons Opatija, Croatia: 51-56.
13. Marjanovic D., Bakal N., Bajrovic K., Hadziselimovic R. (2005): Efforts in standardization of forensic DNA testing procedure and establishing of national DNA database in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 3rdCongress of the Balkan Academy of Forensic Science, Constanta, Romania; Abstracts: 23-24.
14. Marjanovic D., Bakal N., Bajrovic K., Hadziselimovic R. (2005): Usage of autosomal and Y-chromosomal STR multiplex systems in DNA profiling of human biological evidence within complex police and court caseworks. 3rd Congress of the Balkan Academy of Forensic Science, Constanta, Romania; Abstracts: 26.
15. Marjanovic D., Skaro V, Hadziselimovic R, Primorac D. (2005): Development and operation of laboratory for DNA identification for mass processing of skeletal remains from mass graves: the Bosnian and Croatian experience as solid foundation for the future. 2nd Mediterranean Academy of Forensic Science Congress, Monastir, Tunisia, Abstracts: 68.
16. Marjanovic D., Pojskic N., Durmic A., Kapur L., Haveric S., Haveric A., Bakal N., Kalamujic B., Bosnjak Dz., Bajrovic K., Hadziselimovic R. (2005): Overview of population-genetic studies based on phenotype and molecular markers in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the last three centuries. The fourth European-American school in forensic genetics and Mayo Clinic course in advanced molecular and cellular medicine. Dubrovnik, Croatia; Abstracts: 93.
17. Ribic A., Bakal N., Bajrovic K., Hadziselimovic R., Marjanovic D. (2005): comparative analysis of three different approaches in DNA extraction from various blood stains. The fourth European-American school in forensic genetics and Mayo Clinic course in advanced molecular and cellular medicine. Dubrovnik, Croatia; Abstracts: 101.
18. Battaglia V., Fomarino S., Montagna S., Marjanovic D., Drobnic K., Durmishi N., Andjelinovic S., Primorac D., Santachiara-Benerecetti A.S., Semino O. (2005): Y-chromosome haplogroups in Eastern European population. The fourth European-American school in forensic genetics and Mayo Clinic course in advanced molecular and cellular medicine. Dubrovnik, Croatia; Abstracts: 80.
19. Haveric S., Ibrulj S., Haveric A., Marjanovic D. (2005): Mitotic effects of anti-snake bate serum in human lymphocytes and Allium cepa root-tip cells. The fourth European-American school in forensic genetics and Mayo Clinic course in advanced molecular and cellular medicine. Dubrovnik, Croatia;Abstracts: 122.
20. Haveric S., Ibrulj S., Haveric A., Marjanovic D. (2005): Impact on environment xenobiotics in war and postwar period on genetic constitution of exposed Bosnian population. The fourth European-American school in forensic genetics and Mayo Clinic course in advanced molecular and cellular medicine. Dubrovnik, Croatia; Abstracts: 123.
21. Marjanovic D., Bakal N., Pojskic N., Drobnic K., Primorac D., Bajrovic K., Hadziselimovic R. (2005): Population data at fifteen autosomal and twelve Y-chromosome short tandem repeat loci in the representative sample of multinational Bosnia and Herzegovina residents. The 21st ISFG Congress. Ponta Delgada, Portugal; Abstracts: 136.
22. Marjanovic D., Fomarino S., Bakal N, Montagna S., Hadziselimovic R., Primorac D.,Vidovic S., Pojskic N., Battaglia V., Achilli A., Torroni A., Andjelinovic S, Drobnic K, Santachiara-Benerecetti S., Semino O. (2005): The peopling of modern Bosnia and Herzegovina: Y-chromosome approach. Thetwelve Neolithic Seminar. Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstracts: 4-5.
23. Battaglia V., Formarino S., Pala M., Olivieri A., Al-Zahery N., Primorac D, Marjanovic D.,Andjelinovic S., Drobnic K., Durmishi N., Hadziselimovic R., Pojskic N., Vidovic S., Santachiara-Benerecetti A.S., Semino O. (2006): An evaluazion of complex Y-chromosome landscape of South-East Europe trough different markers. Mediterranean Academy of Forensic Sciences, Malta; Abstract: 49.
24. Marjanovic D., Bakal N., Kovacevic L., Drobnic K., Bajrovic K., Hadziselimovic R. (2006): Efforts in standardization of forensic DNA testing procedure and establishing laboratory for forensic genetics. Proceedings of XV International Meeting on Forensic Medicine Alpe-Adria-Pannonia, Pula, Croatia: 23.
25. Marjanovic D., Bakal N., Kovacevic L. (2006): The application of Y-STR markers in wide range of forensic-genetic expertise. 5th Scientific Professional Meeting: Expertus Forensis, Budva, Montenegro; Abstract book: 54-55.
26. Marjanovic D., Bakal N., Kovacevic L., Hodzic M., Durmic A. (2006): Optimization of working volume of amplification reaction (PCR) for 15 autosomal STR loci consisted in the commercial detection kit PowerPlex 16. 5th Scientific Professional Meeting: Expertus Forensis, Budva, Montenegro; Abstract book: 56-57.
27. Marjanovic D. (2006): Historical overview of human population-genetic studies in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the last three centuries. Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics (Supplement) 9: 3&4: 27.
28. Kovacevic L., Bakal N., Marjanovic D. (2006): Ethical issue of interpretation a final report in DNA identification – case study. Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics (Supplement) 9: 3&4: 125.
29. Marjanovic D. (2007): International Society for Applied Biological Sciences (ISABS): current ideas and future projects. 1st Workshop of Czechoslovak Society For Forensic Genetics, Prague, Czech Republic; Abstract Book.
30. Marjanovic D., Durmic-Pasic A., Bakal N., Haveric S., Kalamujic B., Kovacevic L., Ramic J., PojskicN., Skaro V., Projic P., Bajrovic K., Hadziselimovic R., Drobnic K., Huffine E., Davoren J, Primorac D. (2007): DNA Identification of Skeletal Remains from the Second World War Mass Graves Uncovered in Slovenia – First Results. 5th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetics and Molecular Anthropology, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 43.
31. Kovacevic L., Makarevic E., Bakal N., Marjanovic D. (2007):Analysis of two Different Methods in DNA Extraction from Saliva Specimen. 5th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetics and Molecular Anthropology, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 92.
32. Projic P., Skaro V., Samija I, Primorac D., Marjanovic D. (2007): Occurence of Off-Ladder Allelic Variant in Paternity Testing Case Study. 5th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetics and Molecular Anthropology, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 96.
33. Ahmetas L., Bego T., Hodzic B, Kovaevic L., Marjanovic D. (2007): Different Approaches for DNA Analysis of Old Bone Samples – Preliminary Results. 5th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetics and Molecular Anthropology, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 116.
34. Schanfield M., Marjanovic D., Skaro V., Andjelinovic S., Primorac D. (2007): Additional Analysis of Croatian Population Structure and Comments on Identification of Remains in Mass Casualty Databases: Powerplex 16 Databases for Southern Croatia. 5th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetics and Molecular Anthropology, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 118.
35. Jakovski Z., Nikolova K., Jankova R., Janeska B., Marjanovic D., Aleksej D. (2007): Allele Frequencies of 17 STR Y Chromosome Loci in The Population of Republica Macedonia. 5th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetics and Molecular Anthropology, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 123.
36. Marjanovic D. (2007): Pregled humanih populaciono-genetičkih studija u Bosni i Hercegovini krozprotekla tri stoljeća: istorija i perspektive. Peti simpozij poljoprivrede, veterinaarstva, šumarstva I biotehnologije, Vlašić, BiH. Abstracts.
37. Marjanovic D., Durmic-Pasic A., Kovacevic L., Bakal N., Haveric S., Skaro V., Projic P., Drobnic K., Primorac D., Hadziselimovic R. (2008): DNA Identification of Skeletal Remains from the Second World War. Forensica 2008, Prague, Czech Republic, Abstract book L17.
38. Uzunovic M., Valentic S., Mesanovic J., Crnogorac V., Letic A., Popovac A., Fazlic E., Zoranic J., Kovacevic L., Marjanovic D. (2008): Usage of PowerPlexTM 16 Kit in the Detection of the Down Syndrome – Preliminary study. Forensica 2008, Prague, Czech Republic, Abstract book L17.
39. Marjanovic D., Durmic-Pasic A., Kovacevic L., Bakal N., Haveric S., Skaro V., Projic P., Drobnic K., Primorac D., Hadziselimovic R. (2008): Usage of Y-STRs in DNA Identification of Skeletal Remains from the Second World War. DNA in Forensics, Ancona, Italy, Abstract book 33.
40. Marjanovic D., Kovacevic L., Avdic J., Hindija J. (2008): Analiza osnovnih preduvijeta za dalji razvojmolekularno-genetičkih istraživanja u BiH. 2. kongres bosannskohercegovačkih naučnika iz zemlje isvijeta. Sarajevo, BiH, Knjiga sažetaka 120-121.
41. Marjanovic D., Kovacevic L., Durmic-Pasic A., Avdic J, Hindija J., Skaro V., Projic P., Primorac D., (2008): Usage of the PowerPlex® S5 Mini-STR System in LCN DNA Testing. 19th International Symposium in Human Identification, Hollywood, USA, Abstract book 26.
42. Marjanovic D., Kovacevic L., Durmic-Pasic A., Avdic J, Hindija J., Skaro V., Projic P., Primorac D.(2008): Usage of PowerPlex® S5 Mini-STR System in DNA Identification of Skeletal Remains from the Second World War. 19th International Symposium in Human Identification, Hollywood, USA, Abstract book 106.
43. Primorac D., Marjanovic D. (2009): Identification of Skeletal Remains from the Mass Graves: Experience and Prospectives. Paediatria Croatica (Supplement) 2: vol 53: 2.
44. Marjanovic D., Kovacevic L., Durmic A., Avdic J, Hindija J., Lauc G., Skaro V., Projic P., PrimoracD., (2009): Challenges in the Identification of WWII Human Remains:Usage of Y-STR and MiniSTRApproach.. 6th ISABS Conference on Human Genome Project Based Applications in Forensic Science, Anthropology and Individualized Medicine, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 49.
45. Bajramovic A., Fazlic E., Uzunovic M., Letic A., Buljugic Dz, Avdic J., Marjanovic D. (2009): Comparativ Analysis of Salting Out and Qiagen DNA Extraction Procedures from Buccal Swabs and Chewing Gums. 6th ISABS Conference on Human Genome Project Based Applications in Forensic Science, Anthropology and Individualized Medicine, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 75.
46. Cosovic M., Bego T., Popovac A., Crnogorac V., Dzehverovic M., Avdic J., Kovacevic L., Marjanovic D. (2009): YSTRs in Process of Human Identification of WWII Skeletal Remains: Case Study. 6thISABS Conference on Human Genome Project Based Applications in Forensic Science, Anthropologyand Individualized Medicine, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 78.
47. Elez N., Hasicic S., Hadzovic E., Halilovic Z., Kamenjas A, Rizvanovic A, Saado I., Salispahic B., Sunje E., Marjanovic D. (2009): Ratio of “Non-Paternity Occurrence” in Paternity Testing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 6th ISABS Conference on Human Genome Project Based Applications in Forensic Science, Anthropology and Individualized Medicine, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 80.
48. Pavlinic D., Hercog R., Vicic V., Skaro V., Projic P., Dzijan S., Lauc G., Marjanovic D. (2009): D2S1338 Rare Allele Identification and Confirmation by Direct Sequencing. 6th ISABS Conference on Human Genome Project Based Applications in Forensic Science, Anthropology and Individualized Medicine, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 92.
49. Zoranjic J., Valentic S., Buljugic Dz., Dzehverovic M., Avdic J., Kovacevic L., Marjanovic D. (2009): Challenges in Statistical Interpretation of Paternity Testing Results. 6th ISABS Conference on Human Genome Project Based Applications in Forensic Science, Anthropology and Individualized Medicine, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 109.
50. Marjanović D. (2011): Tri stoljeća humanih populaciono genetičkih istraživanja u BiH (in Bosnian). I simpozij genetičara u Bosni i Hercegovini, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, Abstract book 23.
51. Hadžiavdić V., Eminović I., Marjanović D., Pojskić N., Hadžiselimović R., Bajrović K (2011): Diverzitet nuklearnih mikrosatelitnih DNK markera u referentnom uzorku stanovništva sjeveroistočneBosne (in Bosnian). I simpozij genetičara u Bosni i Hercegovini, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, Abstract book 87 and Proceedings (in English) 52-65.
52. Marjanović D., (2011): Neophodnost uspostavljanja forenzične DNK baze podataka u Bosni iHercegovini (in Bosnian). I simpozij genetičara u Bosni i Hercegovini, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, Abstract book 95
53. Kovačević L., Čakar J., Džehverović M., Buljugić Dž., Marjanović D. (2011): Retrospektivna analizaraznovrsnosti bioloških tragova procesuiranih u Laboratoriji za forenzičnu genetiku (INGEB) (in Bosnian). I simpozij genetičara u Bosni i Hercegovini, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, Abstract book 97.
54. Hamidičević M., Buljugić Dž., Kovačević L., Čakar J., Džehverović M., Marjanović D. (2011): DNK analiza telogenih dlaka primjenom PowerPlex ESI 17 multipleksnog STR sistema – preliminarnirezultati (in Bosnian). I simpozij genetičara u Bosni i Hercegovini, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, Abstract book 100.
55. Sirbubalo A., Buljugić Dž., Kovačević L., Čakar J., Džehverović M., Marjanović D. (2011): Komparativna analiza učinkovitosti tri različita ekstrakcijska protokola za izolaciju DNK iz biološkogtraga anagene dlake (in Bosnian). I simpozij genetičara u Bosni i Hercegovini, Sarajevo, Bosna iHercegovina, Abstract book 101 and Proceedings (in English) 71-74.
56. Hadžić N., Kovačević L., Čakar J., Džehverović M., Buljugić Dž., Marjanović D. (2011): Ispitivanjemogućnosti generiranja DNK profila iz prikupljenih otisaka prstiju (in Bosnian). I simpozij genetičarau Bosni i Hercegovini, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, Abstract book 102 and Proceedings (in English) 66-70.
57. Muhić N., Karišik A, Čakar J., Džehverović M., Kovačević L., Buljugić Dž., Marjanović D. (2011): Optimizacija procesa forenzičke DNK analize biljnih tragova (in Bosnian). I simpozij genetičara u Bosni i Hercegovini, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, Abstract book 103 and Proceedings (in English) 75-79.
58. Marjanović D. (2011): Osnove genske terapije: želje i mogućnosti (in Bosnian). 8. simpozij magistarafarmacije federacije BiH, Zenica, Bosna i Hercegovina, Zbornik radova 1-5.
59. Marjanović D., Kovačević L., Čakar J., Džehverović M., Musemić Dž, Bajrović K.(2011): DNA Analysis of Ancient Skeletal Remains from Old Bosnian Graves. 7th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 60.
60. Primorac D., Marjanović D., Škaro V., Budimlija Z., Definis Gojanović M., Sutlović D., Bosnar A., Marcikić M., Anđelinović Š. (2011): From Dust to Dust: DNA Analysis. 7th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 67.
61. Škaro V, Calloway CD., Stuart SM., Lee SH., Projić P., Marjanović D., Primorac D. (2011): Mitochondrial DNA Polymorphisms in 312 individuals of Croatian PopulationDetermnated by 105 Probe Panel Targeting 61 Hypervariable and Coding Region Sites. 7th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 93.
62. Čaušević-Ramoševac A., Kovačević L., Buljugić Dž., Džehverović M., Čakar J., Marjanović D. (2011): Comparative Analysis of Three Different STR Multiplex System Approaches in Fingerprint DNA Analysis. 7th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 109.
63. Čakar J, Karišik A., Muhić N., Hadžić N, Džehverović M., Buljugić Dž., Mušanović J., Kovačević L., Marjanović D. (2011): Optimization of Forensic DNA Analysis Process for Botanical Traces: A Comparative Analysis of Plant DNA Extraction from Fresh and Herbarized Tila plathyphyllos Scop.Leaves. 7th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 110.
64. Dujić-Bilošić S., Džehverović M., Čakar J., Buljugić Dž., Kovačević L., Pehlić M., Polašek O., RudanI., Anđelinović Š., Primorac D., Škaro V., Projić P., Marjanović D. (2011): Allele frequencies of the New European Standard Set (ESS) loci Plus SE33 locus in Dalmatian Human Population. 7th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 112.
65. Buljugić Dž, Čakar J., Džehverović M., Hadžić N., Mušanović J., Kovačević L., Marjanović D. (2011): Usage of the PowerPlex S5 MiniSTR System in Analysis of Human Telogenic Hair Shaft. 7thISABS Conference in Forensic Genetic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 120.
66. Hadžić N., Hamidičević M., Čakar J., Džehverović M., Buljugić Dž., Kovačević L., Marjanović D. (2011): Challenges in Application of PowerPlex ESI 17 Amplification Kit in LCN DNA Analysis. 7thISABS Conference in Forensic Genetic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 121.
67. Mušanović J., Filipovska-Mušanović M., Metović A., Čakar J., Buljugić Dž., Džehverović M., Ibrulj S., Kovačević L., Marjanović D. (2011): Specificity of Sibship Determination Using 15 STR Loci within Inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 7th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 125.
68. Novković T., Panić B., Banjac A., Kovač-Đekić T., Tomišić-Kosić I., Vučetić-Dragović A., Stamenković G., Blagojević J., Marjanović D., Pojskić N. (2011): Genetic Polymorphism of 15 APMFSTR Identifiler Loci in Serbian Population. 7th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 127.
69. Pojskić N, Kapur L., Marjanović D. (2011): Possible Application of Genetic Distance Measurement in Paternity DNA Testing. 7th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 128.
70. Projić P., Novokmet M., Lauc G., Škaro V., Primorac D., Marjanović D. (2011): Population Studies at 11 Polymorphic STR Loci ina a Bovine Samples from Northern Croatia. 7th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 129.
71. Hadžiavdić V., Eminović I., Marjanović D., Pojskić N., Hadžiselimović R., Bajrović K. (2011): Diversity of the Nuclear Short Tandem Repeat Loci in Representative Sample of North-Eastern Bosnian population. 7th ISABS Conference in Forensic Genetic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 154.
72. Marjanovic D., Kovacevic L., Cakar J., Hadzic N., Dzehverovic M., Klonovski E., Fekeza L., Lovrenovic D., Sokolovic F. (2012): DNA Analysis of Skeletal Remains from Bosnian Medieval Royal Tombs. 21st International Meeting on Forensic Medicine Alpe-Adria-Panonia, Sarajevo, BiH, Abstract book 11.
73. Omerspahić A., Fazlić A., Marjanović D. (2012): Preliminary Analysis of the Potential Impact of Hereditary Factors on Criminal Behavior in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. XII Days of Crimenal Justice: Children and Youth in Criminological Focus, Sarajevo, B&H. Abstract book 44.
74. Novokmet N., Marjanovic D., Havas-Augustin D., Sarac J., Saric T., Skaro V., Projic P., Lauc G., Grahovac B., Ostojic S., Kapovic M., Rudan P. (2012): Geographic Sub-Structuring of the Island Cres (Croatia) – Microsatelite Perspective. 3rd Congress of Croatian Geneticists. Book of Abstracts 101.
75. Tambets K, Kovacevic L, Primorac D, Lauc G, Leskovac A, Jakovski Z, Drobnic K, Kovacevic S, BegoT, Metspalu E, Marjanovic D, Villems R. (2012): The Genetic Structure of Western Balkan Population Based on Autosomal and Haploid Markers. ASHG 62nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, American Society of Human Genetics. Abstract no: 3286.
76. RM Y-STR Study Group (Ballantyne K, Ralf A, Aboukhalid R, Achakzai NM, Anjos MJ, Ayub Q, Balažic J, Ballantyne J, Ballard DJ, Barbarii L, Berger B, Bobillo C, Bouabdellah M, Burri H, Butler J, Capal T, Caratti S, Carracedo A, Cartault F, Carvalho EF, Carvalho M, Cheng B, Coble MD, Comas D, Corach D, D’Amato ME, Davison S, de Knijff P, de Ungria M, Decorte R, Dixon R, Dobosz T, Dupuy BM, Elmrghni S, Gan LSH, Gliwinski M, Gomes SC, Grol L, Haas C, Hanson E, Henke J, Henke L, Hill CR, Holmlund G, Honda K, Immel U, Inokuchi S, Jobling MA, Kim JS, Kim SH, Kim W, King TE, Klausriegler E, Kling D, Kovacevic LL, Kovatsi L, Krajewski P, Kravchenko S, Kvitkova D, Larmuseau M, Lee EY, Lee SH, Lessig R, Livshits LA, Marjanovic D, Minarik M, Mizuno N, Moreira H, Morling N, Mukherjee M, Nagaraju J, Neuhuber F, Nie S, Oh HH, Olofsson J, Onofri V, Palo J, Pamjav H, Parson W, Payet C, Petlach M, Phillips C, Ploski R, Prasad SPR, Primorac D, Purnomo GA, Purps J, Rangel H, Rebala K, Rerkamnuaychoke B, Robino C, Rodríguez F, Roewer L, Rosa A, Sajantila A, Sala A, Salvador J, Sanz P, Savov A, Schmitt C, Sharma AK, Shin KJ, Shotivaranon J, Sijen T, Silva DA, Sirker M, Siváková D, Skaro V, Solano-Matamoros C, Souto L, Stenzl V, Sudoyo H, Syndercombe-Court D, Tagliabracci A, Taylor D, Tillmar A, Tsybovsky IS, Tyler-Smith C, van der Gaag KJ, Vanek D, Völgyi A, Ward D, Willemse P, Winkler C, Yong RYY, ZaharovaB, Zupanic Pajnic I, Kayser M.) (2012): Rapidly Mutating Y-Chromosomal STRs. 5th International EMPOP Meeting: DNA in Forensic 2012, Innsbruck, Germany, Abstract book 47.
77. Marjanovic D., Primorac D. (2012): DNA Identification of Skeletal Remains: Retrospective and Perspective. International workshop: Biological-Medical-Anthropology: Anthropology of the Future. Abstract book.
78. Novokmet N., Marjanovic D., Skaro V., Projoc P., Lauc G., Grahovac B., Kapovic M., Vidovic M., Rudan P. (2012): Genetic Substructuring of the Populations from the Area of South-Eastern Europe. Biological-Medical-Anthropology: Anthropology of the Future. Abstract book.
79. Hadžić N., Čakar J., Kovačević L., Džehverović M., Pilav A., Marjanović D. (2013): Direct PCR Optimization. 8th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 175.
80. Fatur Cerić V., Kovačević L., Hadžić N., Čakar J., Primorac D., Marjanović D. (2013): Polymorphism of Six New Y Chromosome STR Loci (DYS576, DYS481, DYS549, DYS533, DYS570, DYS643) in Referent Sample of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 8th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 176.
81. Dogan S., Kovačević L., Čakar J., Džehverović M., Hadžić N., Pilav A., Memon AR., Marjanović D.(2013): Polymorphism of 15 STR Loci in the Turkish Population of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 8th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 196.
82. Zoko M., Bilić S., Car I., Marjanović D. (2013): Who Touched That: Applying Cčassic STR Multiplex System to Touch DNA. 8th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 207.
83. Novokmet N., Marjanović D., Havaš Auguštin D., Šarac J., Šarić T., Škaro V., Projić P., Lauc G., Vidovič M., Rudan P. (2013): Influence of Population Substructuring on Statistical, Forensic, Parameters of Genetic STR Markers in Southeastern Europe. 8th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 218.
84. Topčagić J., Kovačević L., Čakar J., Hadžić N., Džehverović M., Pilav A., Marjanović D. (2013): Kinship Analysis of Ancient Individuals by Combined Use of Small Biallelic Insertion/Deletion (INDEL) and Short Tandem Repeats (STR). 8th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine, Split, Croatia, Abstract book 229.
85. RM Y-STR Study Group (Ballantyne K, Ralf A, Aboukhalid R, Achakzai NM, Anjos MJ, Ayub Q, Balažic J, Ballantyne J, Ballard DJ, Barbarii L, Berger B, Bobillo C, Bouabdellah M, Burri H, Butler J, Capal T, Caratti S, Carracedo A, Cartault F, Carvalho EF, Carvalho M, Cheng B, Coble MD, Comas D, Corach D, D’Amato ME, Davison S, de Knijff P, de Ungria M, Decorte R, Dixon R, Dobosz T, Dupuy BM, Elmrghni S, Gan LSH, Gliwinski M, Gomes SC, Grol L, Haas C, Hanson E, Henke J, Henke L, Hill CR, Holmlund G, Honda K, Immel U, Inokuchi S, Jobling MA, Kim JS, Kim SH, Kim W, King TE, Klausriegler E, Kling D, Kovacevic LL, Kovatsi L, Krajewski P, Kravchenko S, Kvitkova D, Larmuseau M, Lee EY, Lee SH, Lessig R, Livshits LA, Marjanovic D, Minarik M, Mizuno N, Moreira H, Morling N, Mukherjee M, Nagaraju J, Neuhuber F, Nie S, Oh HH, Olofsson J, Onofri V, Palo J, Pamjav H, Parson W, Payet C, Petlach M, Phillips C, Ploski R, Prasad SPR, Primorac D, Purnomo GA, Purps J, Rangel H, Rebala K, Rerkamnuaychoke B, Robino C, Rodríguez F, Roewer L, Rosa A, Sajantila A, Sala A, Salvador J, Sanz P, Savov A, Schmitt C, Sharma AK, Shin KJ, Shotivaranon J, Sijen T, Silva DA, Sirker M, Siváková D, Skaro V, Solano-Matamoros C, Souto L, Stenzl V, Sudoyo H, Syndercombe-Court D, Tagliabracci A, Taylor D, Tillmar A, Tsybovsky IS, Tyler-Smith C, van der Gaag KJ, Vanek D, Völgyi A, Ward D, Willemse P, Winkler C, Yong RYY, ZaharovaB, Zupanic Pajnic I, Kayser M.) (2013): Rapidly Mutating Y Chromosomal STRs – A Multicenter Assessment of Global Male Lineage and Relative Differentiation. ISFG 2013, Melbourne, Australia, Abstract book 46-47.
86. Jakovski Z., Jankova R., Duma A., Janeska B., Pavlovski G., Marjanović D. (2013): Forensic Approach to Analyzing Rape Case. ISFG 2013, Melbourne, Australia, Abstract book 223.
87. Čakar J., Pilav A., Hadžić N., Marjanović D., Parić A. (2013): Inhibition of Lipid Peroxidation by some Helleborus Extracts. 24th International Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Proceedings 240-244.
88. Marjanović D. (2014): The Role of Forensic DNA Technology in Forensic Individualization of Human Skeletal Remains. International Symposium on Sustainable Development, Sarajevo, BiH. Abstract book 12.
89. Dogan S., Ašić A., Muhović I., Bešić L., Marjanović D. (2014): STR Based Clustering of Global Populations. International Symposium on Sustainable Development, Sarajevo, BiH. Abstract book 108.
90. Pilav A., Čakar J., Hadžić N., Džehverović M., Marjanović D. (2014): Bacterial Contaminations of Human Bone and Teeth Samples: Challenges in the Interpretation of the Artifact Peaks in PowerPlex16 Profiles on Human Skeletal Remains. International Symposium on Sustainable Development, Sarajevo, BiH. Abstract book 115.
91. Bešić L., Pelivani S., Dogan S., Muhović I., Ašić A., Marjanović D. (2014): Overview of Y-STR Clustering among European Populations. International Symposium on Sustainable Development, Sarajevo, BiH. Abstract book 118.
92. Ašić A., Bunjo B., Dogan S., Bešić L., Muhović I., Marjanović D. (2014): Overview of the Autosomal STR Clustering Between Balkan Populations. International Symposium on Sustainable Development, Sarajevo, BiH. Abstract book 119.
93. Marjanović D., Vidovič M., Čakar J., Hadžić N., Džehverović M., Hadžiselimović R. (2014): Isolated Human Population of Bosnian Mountain Area: Permanent Inspiration for the New Genetic Studies. Anthropology and Health Conference 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Abstract Book 7-8.
94. Novokmet N., Galov A. Marjanović D., Škaro, V., Projić P., Lauc G., Primorac D., Rudan P. (2014): Genetic analysis of admixture between Bayash Roma from northwestern Croatia and general Croatian population. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta; Moskva, Rzssia, Abstract book 76.
95. Marjanović D., Hadžić N., Čakar J., Džehverović M., Škaro V., Projić P., Džijan S., Dogan S., Primorac D. (2015): DNA Identification of Skeletal Remains from Second World War Mass Graves in LJubuški, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 9th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 47.
96. Dogan S., Buljubašić S., Ašić A., Bešić L., Avdić M., Ferić E., Hukić M., Turan Y., Marjanović D.(2015): Worldwide Population Clustering Based on 23 Y STR Loci. 9th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 85.
97. Hafizović S., Beribaka M., Pilav A., Džehverović M., Marjanović D., Čakar J. (2015): Comparison of Maxwell ans Qiagen Methods for DNA Extraction from Different Types of Samples. 9th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 100.
98. Beribaka M., Hafizović S., Pilav A., Džehverović M., Marjanović D., Čakar J. (2015): Comparison of two Multiplex Systems in Calculation Kinship among Close Relatives. 9th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 101.
99. Dogan G., Dogan S., Marjanović D. (2015): Prediction of the Y Chromosome Haplogroups within a Recently Settled Turkish Population in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 9th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 106.
100. Avdić M., Bešić L., Ašić A., Buljubašić S., Ferić E., Dogan S., Turan Y., Marjanović D. (2015): Isolation of DNA from Taraxacum Officinale for Forensic Botany. 9th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 117.
101. Jakovski Z., Keckarević D., Dogan S., Jankova Ajanovska R., Keckarović-Marković R., MarjanovićD. (2015): Population Analysis of the ESS Loci and SE33 Locus in a Republica of Serbia. 9th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 125.
102. Novokmet N., Marjanović D., Havaš Auguštin D., Šarac J., Šarić T., Škaro V., Projić P., Vidović M., Missoni S., Rudan P (2015): The Impact of Population Differentiation on Statistical Forensic Parameters od STRs in the South-Eastern Region. 9th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 127.
103. Dogan S., Kurtović-Kozarić A., Marjanović D., Turan Y. (2015): Differential Gene Expression and Methylation Signatures of Mixed Lineage Leukemias. 9th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 218.
104. Kozarić M., Kurtović-Kozarić A., Nefić H., Mesihović-Dinarević S., Godinjak Z., Hasić A., Marjanović D. (2015): Clinical Significance of Conventional Karyotype and QF-PCR in Detection of Fetal Chromosomal Abnormalities: 3-Year Single Center Evaluation. 9th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Bol, Croatia, Abstract book 221.
105. Jakovski Z, Jankova Ajanovska R, Stankov A, Pavlovski G, Marjanović D. (2015): Comparative Study Of Two Dna Extraction Methods in Different Tissues and Conditions of Degradation. 26th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics, Krakow, Poland, Abstract book 235.
106. Marjanović D, Ferić E. Applicattion of Molecular Genetic Methods within Forensic Science: Retrospective and Perspective. 6th Croatian Congress of Laboratory Diagnostics, Primošten, Croatia, Abstract book.
107. Marjanović D, Primorac D. (2015): DNA Identification of Human Skeletal Remains from Different Historical Epochs. The 4th International Conference of Genomics, Xian, China, Abstract book.
108. Badnjevic A, Gurbeta L, Cifrek M, Marjanovic D (2016): Diagnostic of Asthma Using Fuzzy Rules Implemented in Accordance with International Guidelines and Physicians Experience. IEEE 39th International convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics (MIPRO), 30. May to 03. June 2016. Opatija, Croatia
109. Badnjevic A, Gurbeta L, Cifrek M, Marjanovic D. (2016): Classification of Asthma Using Artificial Neural Network“, IEEE 39th International convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics (MIPRO), 30. May to 03. June 2016. Opatija, Croatia
110. Emir M., Grażyna A., Međedović E., Mahmutbegović N., Dogan S., Pawinska-Matecka A, CzerskaE., Marjanović D. (2017) Polymorphisms of 1691G>A and 4070A>G FV in Bosnian women with pregnancy loss. In: Badnjevic A. (eds) CMBEBIH 2017. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 62. Springer, Singapore
111. Sehovic E., Asic A., Besic L., Balkaya HE., Marjanović D., Dogan S. (2017): Network Analysis on Y Chromosome Haplogroups in Western Balkan Populations. 10th ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Abstract book 126.
112. Arapcic M., Herić A., Dogan S., Čakar J., Pilav A., Džehverović M., Marjanović D. (2017): Validation of the Sureid 21G Human STR Identification Kit and the Concordance Study of the New Generation Multiplex STR Kits. 10th ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Abstract book 129.
113. Hadžić-Metjahić N., Vidović M., Čakar J., Džehverović M., Pilav A., Dogan S., Marjanović D.(2017): Comparative Molecular Genetic Analysis of the Isolated Bosnian-Herzegovinina and Slovenian Populations. 10th ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Abstract book 134.
114. Pilav A., Pojskić N., Ahatović A., Džehverović M., Čakar J., Marjanović D. (2017): Allele Frequencies and Genetic Parameters for 15 STR Loci in the Population of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 10th ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Abstract book 139.
115. Balkaya HE., Gurkan C., Dogan M., Tunc R., Marjanović D., Dogan S. (2017): An Investigation on the Paternal Lineages of the Northern Iraq Turkmens. 10th ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Abstract book 182.
116. Ćenanović M., Dogan S., Marjanović D. (2017): Diversity of ACE and ACTN3 Polymorphisms in Bosnian-Herzegovinian Populations. 10th ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Abstract book 250.
117. Marjanović D. (2017): DNA Identification of Skeletal Remains: Challenges and Perspectives. 2ndInternational Forensic Investigation and Education Conference, Rugao, China, Abstract Book 8.
118. Marjanović D. (2017): DNA Identification of the Different War Conflicts from the 20th Century: Impact to the Establishing of the Peace. The Belt Road Initiative, International Academic Seminar on Forensic Science, Shaghai, China, Abstract book 9.
119. Marjanović D. (2017): DNA Identification of the Victims of the War Conflicts abd Various Mass Disasters: Overview of the Bosnian Experience. 2nd Conference of Silk Road Forensic Symposium, Xian, China, Abstract book 44.
120. Marjanović D., Primorac D., Džehverović M., Čakar J. (2017). Forensic Genetics: retrospective and perspective, from DNA profile to the microbiome analysis. 1st Croatian Congress on Biosafety and Biosecurity, Zagreb, Croatia, Abstract book 7.
121. Marjanović D., Hogić N. (2018): Efikasan obrazovni system prema potrebama gospodarstva: izmeđustvarne potrebe i bosanskohercegovačke realnosti. 18 Međunarodni ekonomski forum: Korporativnoupravljanje Crony kapitalizam, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Decembar 2018. Zbornik radova: 148-160.
122. Ašić A., Salazar R., Storm N., Dogan S., Hopner W., Marjanović D., Primorac D. (2019): Population Study of Thrombophilic Markers of Warfarin Prevalence in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Isabs Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine.Split, Croatia. Abstract book 142.
123. Ašić A., Salazar R., Storm N., Dogan S., Hopner W., Marjanović D., Primorac D. (2019):Prevvalence of Rare F5 Variants in General Population from Bosnia and Herzegovina. IsabsConference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine.Split, Croatia. Abstract book 179.
124. Pilav A., Pojskić N., Džehverović M., Marjanović D., Čakar J. (2019): Allele Frequencies and Genetic Parameters for 22 STR Loci in the Sample of multinational Bosnia and Herzegovina Residents. Isabs Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine.Split, Croatia. Abstract book 277.
125. Marjanović D., Havaš Auguštin D., Šarac J. (2019): The Future of Forensic Genetics. IsabsConference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine.Split, Croatia. Abstract book 335.
126. Salihefendić L, Bešić L, Čeko I, Mulahuseinović N, Pećar D, Džuho A, Durgut S, Marjanović D, Konjhodžić R, Ašić A. (2022): The Effect of Host Genetics on Covid-19 Susceptibility and Severity: A Study of 16 Coding Genes on a Subset of Bosnian-Herzegovinian Patients. Journal of Bioanthropology2:136.
127. Obleščuk I, Ledić A, Makar A, Škaro V, Marjanović D, Primorac D. (2022): Croatioan DNA database. Journal of Bioanthropology 2:241.
128. Prguda-Mujic J, Hasanic O, Besic O, Asic A, Halilovic S, Kulo Cesic A, Ljevakovic N, Muminovic F, Huseinovic S, Ler D, Salihefendic L, Konjhodzic R, Primorac D, Marjanovic D (2022): SARS-COV-2 Among Sarajevo Inhabitants – The Prevaccination Period. Journal of Bioanthropology 2:319.
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1. Marjanovic D. (1998): Spirulina platensis – ticket for 21st century. Biological journal 45: 2: 18-20.
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❑ Marjanović D., Dobrača I., Drobnič K. (2005): Prikupljanje, prezervacija itransport uzoraka za DNK analizu, INGEB, Sarajevo (BiH).
❑ Dragan P, Marjanović D i suradnici (2008): Analiza DNA u sudskoj medicini ipravosuđu, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb (Hrvatska).
❑ Marjanović D., Primorac D (2009). Molekularna forenzična genetika. INGEB, Sarajevo (BiH).
❑ Marjanović D., Primorac D. i suradnici (2013): Forenzična genetika: teorija iaplikacija. Naučna i stručna knjiga Lelo doo, Sarajevo (BiH).
❑ Marjanović D., Primorac D., Dogan S. (2018): Forensic Genetics: Theory and Application. International Burch University, Sarajevo (BiH)
❑ Marjanović D., Primorac D., Dogan S. (2019): Preci u nama: Genetičko blagoBosne i Hercegovine. Mladinska knjiga. (BiH).
❑ Marjanović D., Jukić Lj. (2004): Poglavlje – Definicija genetičkog inženjerstva. Poglavlje knjige – Uvod u genetičko inženjerstvo i biotehnologiju, INGEB, Sarajevo (BiH).
❑ Marjanović D. (2004): Poglavlje knjige – Sekvencioniranje DNK fragmenata. Poglavlje knjige – Uvod u genetičko inženjerstvo i biotehnologiju, INGEB, Sarajevo (BiH).
❑ Marjanović D., Bakal N. (2004): Poglavlje knjige – Osnovni principi forenzičkeDNK analize. Poglavlje knjige – Uvod u genetičko inženjerstvo i biotehnologiju, INGEB, Sarajevo (BiH).
❑ Marjanović D., Primorac D., Hadžiselimović R. (2008): Naseljavanje Bosne iHercegovine: Raznolikost Y-vezanih molekularnih biljega u referentnom uzorkubosansko-hercegovačkoga stanovništva. Poglavlje knjige – Vjera Crkve bosanske. Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika, Split, (Hrvatska).
❑ Žarković M., Kesić T., Franjić B., Bjelovuk I., Kavazović M., Marjanović D. (2012): Poglavlje XII: Tragovi i njihov značaj u istraživanju krivičnih djela. Poglavlje knjige: Korajlić N.: Istraživanje krivičnih djela. Pravni fakultetUniverziteta u Sarajevu, Sarajevo BiH.
❑ Primorac D., Kapur Pojskić L., Marjanović D. (2013): Genetika depresije. Poglavlje knjige – Serotonin i depresija, ProMente, Zagreb (Hrvatska).
❑ Primorac D, Schanfield MS, Marjanović D. (2014): Basic Genetics and Human Genetic Variation. Poglavlje knjige – Forensic DNA Applications: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Book. CRC Press, USA.
❑ Schanfield MS, Primorac D, Marjanović D. (2014): Forensic DNA Analysis and Statistics. Poglavlje knjige – Forensic DNA Applications: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Book. CRC Press, USA.
❑ Primorac D, Schanfield MS, Marjanović D. (2016): Osnove genetike i humane genske varijacije. Poglavlje knjige – Forensic DNA Applications: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Book. CRC Press, USA.; hrvatski prevod(prevoditelji Dragan Primorac, Damir Marjanović, Adna Ašić, Larisa Bešić), izdavač Školska knjiga, Zagreb
❑ Schanfield MS, Primorac D, Marjanović D. (2016): Forenzična DNA snaliza istatistika. Poglavlje knjige – Forensic DNA Applications: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Book. CRC Press, USA. hrvatski prevod (prevoditelji Dragan Primorac, Damir Marjanović, Larisa Bešić, Imer Muhović), izdavač Školskaknjiga, Zagreb.
❑ Primorac D., Marjanović D., Škaro V., Projić P., Džijan S. (2018): Forenzičnaanaliza DNA. Poglavlje knjige Topić E., Primorac D., JankovićS., Štefanović M. Medicinska biokemija i laboratorijska medicina u kliničkoj praksi, Medicinskanaklada, Zagreb, Hrvatska
❑ Manfred Kayser, Kaye N Ballantane. (2016): Y kromosom u forenzičnimznanostima. Poglavlje knjige – Forensic DNA Applications: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Book. CRC Press, USA.; hrvatski prevod (prevoditelji Damir Marjanović, Lejla Kovačević, Zlatko jakovski), izdavač Školska knjiga, Zagreb
❑ Theresa Caragine, Adeli Mitchell, Craig O’Connor (2016): Forenzične mješavineDNA, pristup i analize. Poglavlje knjige – Forensic DNA Applications: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Book. CRC Press, USA. hrvatski prevod(prevoditelji Damir Marjanović, Zlatko Jakovski, Elma Ferić), izdavač Školskaknjiga, Zagreb.
❑ Heather Miller Coyle, Henry C Lee, Timothy M Palmbach. (2016): Forenzičnabotanika – Biljke kao dokazni materijal u kaznenim predmetima i kao agensibioterorizma. Poglavlje knjige – Forensic DNA Applications: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Book. CRC Press, USA.; hrvatski prevod (prevoditelji BelmaKalamujić, Damir Marjanović), izdavač Školska knjiga, Zagreb
❑ Elisa Wurmbach (2016): Predviđanje tjelesnih obilježja kao što su boja očiju, kosei kože isključivo uz pomoć DNA analize. Poglavlje knjige – Forensic DNA Applications: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Book. CRC Press, USA. hrvatskiprevod (Damir Marjanović, Lejla Kovačević, Imer Muhović, Larisa Bešić, AdnaAšić), izdavač Školska knjiga, Zagreb.